
Zero Stroke: Meaning & Causes

1 Answer
Mukesh Kumar

Suppose one subscribes to this line of thinking. In that case, the rapid rate of hyperinflation and the challenging computations required to maintain business as usual while it was in force are the root causes of the zero-stroke disorder. It was the primary symptom of the disease, and it was also the primary indicator that patients had the condition. The need to write ciphers, which are long lines of zeros, was also the main sign that a person had the condition.

What is Zero Stroke?

It is said that the price of a cup of coffee increased by a factor of two while the person drinking it was in the restroom during the worst hyperinflation. As a result of the hyperinflationary environment, people tended to spend their wages nearly as soon as they were deposited in their bank accounts. The workers would demand payment as soon as they arrived at the office, and once they had it, they would have half an hour to use it before it would be rendered useless. Paper marks are hard to use for business transactions involving billions or trillions of dollars because they need to be calculated and recalculated repeatedly.


It includes

  • The Allies demanded that Germany pay enormous war reparations to them after the signing of the Treaty of Versailles in 1919, which was the official document that brought an end to World War I. As a direct result of this, Germany's economy suffered significant damage as a direct result of the Treaty of Versailles.

  • After August 1921, the rate of inflation in Germany accelerated dramatically, and by November 1921, the value of one mark had dropped to less than one-third of a cent.

  • At the beginning of 1921, the value of one German mark was approximately equivalent to sixty United States dollars. However, by the end of that year, the value of one mark had dropped to less than one-third of a cent (approximately 330 marks per US dollar).

  • The value of the mark eventually reached a value of 8000 marks per dollar by the time the year 1922 ended, having been able to return to its previous state of stability at the beginning of 1922.

  • However, as a result of the failure to find a solution to the issue of reparations, inflation accelerated into hyperinflation, and the Mark ultimately lost all its value.

  • When a brand-new currency called the Rentenmark was introduced in November 1923, the inflation rate skyrocketed to its highest degree.


The zero-stroke disease was brought on by the dizzying speed of hyperinflation and the sophisticated computations required to run a firm while it was still in operation. There is a theory that during the worst moments of hyperinflation, the price of a cup of coffee may double the time it takes a person to consume a whole cup. This theory has been put forward as a possibility. Due to the rapid spread of hyperinflation, they were driven to make hurried purchases of goods as soon as they received their wages.

This caused people to spend their money much more quickly than usual. Employees would demand that they be paid for their job at the beginning of the day, and once they were paid, they would be granted a half-hour to dash off and purchase items before their profits were useless to them. Conducting business with paper bills became almost impossible due to the need to calculate and recalculate commercial transactions involving billions and billions of dollars.


Here is a Snippet From One Of The Time Articles That Discussed it

Bread now costs billions per loaf, forcing Germans to get used to calculate in the thousands of billions of euros. That is because of Germany's rising cost of living. As a result, a new form of nerve illness, initially dubbed a "zero stroke" or a "cipher stroke," has been identified, according to some German medical specialists. However, ciphers can also be considered a form of neuritis. The afflicted, however, have "a need to construct endless rows of ciphers and participate in computations more sophisticated than the most difficult problems in logarithms" despite being in perfect health every other way.

In Another Modern Newspaper, it was called a "Zero Stroke."

Bookkeepers sometimes get stressed out because of the large number of ciphers that must be entered in succession following the integers before the value of German marks approaches the value of real money. According to reports, cashiers, bookkeepers, and bank tellers saw the largest incidences of this ailment. There have been reports of people with this disorder feeling an overwhelming desire to write long strings of zeros and displaying extreme confusion when confronted with large numbers.


When It Came, Where It Went, John Kenneth Galbraith expanded on the subject.

German doctors have coined the term "zero strokes" or "cipher stroke" to describe the widespread nerve disorder brought on by the unbelievable value of the euro right now. Men and women of various socioeconomic backgrounds fall victim to the dreaded "stroke" due to their exhausting efforts to add up millions and billions. Some of these folks seem perfectly normal, apart from their insatiable need to compose ever-longer strings of ciphers.


Because the price of a loaf of bread is getting closer to the billions, people in Germany are getting used to doing their calculations in thousands of billions. Some medical professionals in Germany assert that because of this, a new nerve condition known as "zero-stroke" has emerged. However, this condition may be classified as cepheritis rather than neuritis. Aside from an overpowering drive to develop ciphers with endless rows and execute calculations more complicated than those seen in logarithms, people with this illness are generally healthy.

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