Various groups of people or usually known as gangs, frequently arise as a result of many social and economic circumstances, such as poverty, restricted prospects, familial dysfunction, and a desire for affiliation and protection. While teenage gangs' specific characteristics and activities vary, they often involve delinquent behaviour such as drug trafficking, violence, stealing, and territory disputes.
Youth gangs are communities or neighbourhoods of young people that have a shared identity, and a sense of belonging, engage in criminal activities, and may even employ violence. There is no uniform definition of a teenage gang because they vary considerably in size, structure, aims, and levels of criminal activity. Although the majority of gang activity is around drug trafficking and violent crime, some gangs are involved in less serious offences such as robbery or vandalism.
Gangs frequently employ symbols or rituals to create a sense of belonging, and they typically inhabit a certain territory to safeguard their interests. Youth gang members frequently face violence and are more likely to engage in additional criminal activities, suicide, substance misuse, and mental health problems.
Major functions of youth gangs are −
Structure − Youth gangs frequently use a hierarchical structure, with leaders wielding authority and making decisions for the gang. These leaders are known as "shot-callers" or "OGs" (Original Gangsters). They set rules and codes of conduct for gang members and enforce discipline. The organisation of the gang may also contain different ranks or positions, with members allocated certain jobs and obligations.
Recruitment − Gangs actively seek new members, frequently targeting vulnerable young people who may be drawn to the allure of gang life. Social marginalisation, poverty, a lack of strong role models, and inadequate access to school or employment prospects are all factors that contribute to recruitment. Potential recruits may be enticed by gangs' promises of safety, financial gain, a sense of belonging, and increased social prestige within their community.
Territory − Many gangs establish and defend their territories, often referred to as "turf." Territory serves as a symbol of power, control, and identity for the gang. The control of specific neighbourhoods or areas allows gangs to carry out their criminal activities without interference from rival gangs. Conflicts over territorial boundaries can lead to violent confrontations and ongoing tensions between gangs.
Criminal Activities − Youth gangs engage in a range of criminal activities to generate income, establish dominance, and maintain their reputation. Drug trafficking is one of the most common activities, involving the sale and distribution of illicit drugs within their community. Gangs also participate in other illegal activities such as robbery, extortion, human trafficking, prostitution, and weapons trade. These activities not only provide financial gain but also reinforce the power and influence of the gang.
Violence − Violence is often inherent in gang culture. Gangs resort to violence to protect their reputation, assert dominance, retaliate against rival gangs, or resolve internal conflicts. Acts of violence may include assaults, shootings, stabbings, and even homicides. The use of violence serves as a means of control, intimidation, and retribution within the gang's social structure.
Social Dynamics − Joining a gang can give people a sense of belonging, identity, and support that they may lack in other areas of their lives. Gangs provide members with a close-knit group and a surrogate family for those who have experienced familial instability or alienation. A mistaken sense of power, position, and respect within the gang's social structure can prolong a cycle of illegal behaviour and further entrench individuals within the gang lifestyle.
Impact on Communities − Youth gangs have a negative impact on the communities in which they operate. Their presence raises crime rates, which include drug-related offences, violence, and property crimes. Gang activity instils fear and insecurity in members of the community, limits economic prospects, and erodes social cohesion. Residents become unwilling to interact in public spaces, companies suffer, and general community well-being suffers in communities with high gang activity.
To effectively address the issue of youth gangs, comprehensive methods that incorporate preventive measures, intervention efforts, and community-based activities must be implemented. Access to quality education, vocational training, mentorship programmes, and positive recreational activities can all help divert at-risk children away from gang involvement.
There is no single reason why young people join gangs. Instead, there are several explanations, both within and between teenagers. Data from three different samples at various ages show that the top four reasons for both girls and boys continuously reporting include joining for fun, for safety, because a buddy was in the gang, and to get respect. These explanations given by youngsters reflect the promise of benefits they expected to earn from gang membership.
In a high-risk sample from Rochester, New York, there were no differences in why males and girls joined, while girls (60%) were more likely than boys (49%) to join because of friends or relatives. Similarly, a high-risk group in San Diego revealed that girls joined for family (73%), friend (62%), and reputation (58%), while boys joined for the thrill (78%), territory or protection (71%), and belonging (61%).
Qualitative research adds to our understanding of why young people join gangs, shedding light on what may be driving their replies to quantitative criteria, like joining for pleasure or protection. Many gang members, for example, describe their neighbourhoods as lacking in resources and activities, so the gang serves as a vital social outlet to counteract boredom and discontent. Numerous studies have found that a high number of females who join gangs have been physically and sexually abused or attacked and have fled from home; for these girls, the gang was a haven, saving them from such victimisation (while exposing them to other types).
The gang may also provide a supportive familial atmosphere, acting as a surrogate or alternate family; many kids remember having gang members as family members and feeling as if the gang was a substitute family for biological families that were failing them.
Gang members frequently report joining gangs as a means of gaining respect, prestige, and identity during an already turbulent teenage period, and this may be especially true for youngsters stuck between cultures, who are often the second-generation offspring of immigrants.
The effects of youth gangs can be far-reaching and have significant consequences for both individuals and communities. Here are some key effects of youth gangs −
Increased Crime Rates − Youth gangs contribute to higher crime rates in the areas where they operate. Their involvement in drug trafficking, violence, theft, and other criminal activities leads to an overall escalation in criminal behavior, posing a threat to community safety and security.
Violence and Victimization − Gangs are often associated with a culture of violence. Their members engage in acts of violence not only against rival gangs but also against community members. This leads to a climate of fear, where innocent individuals become victims of gang-related violence, including assault, shootings, and even murder.
Drug Abuse and Addiction − Gangs are frequently involved in drug trafficking and distribution. The presence of gangs can increase drug availability within communities, leading to higher rates of drug abuse and addiction among youth. Gangs exploit vulnerable individuals and contribute to the perpetuation of substance abuse problems.
Educational Disruption − Individuals who are involved in gangs frequently experience educational disruptions. As gang members prioritise gang activities over scholastic responsibilities, school attendance and performance may decrease. Fear and intimidation produced by gangs can also create a hazardous learning environment, significantly influencing both gang-involved and non-gang-involved students' educational outcomes.
Economic Impact − Communities with high levels of gang activity often experience economic decline. Gang presence can deter businesses, tourism, and investments, leading to decreased economic opportunities and growth. The costs associated with law enforcement efforts, healthcare for victims of gang violence, and social services further strain community resources.
Addressing the effects of youth gangs requires a multifaceted approach that focuses on prevention, intervention, and community engagement.
Youth gangs impact communities negatively in numerous ways. They increase crime rates, contribute to violence and victimization, facilitate drug abuse and addiction, disrupt educational outcomes, and cause economic decline. To limit their damaging effects, a combination of preventive measures, intervention efforts, and community-based activities must be employed.