
Younger Than 50? Yes, You Can Have Low Testosterone

1 Answer
Bhaswati Mukherjee

When it comes to male sexuality, testosterone is crucial. Specifically, it is a hormone secreted by the testes that trigger the onset of puberty in males, although its effects extend well beyond that. While women also produce testosterone, it is at far lower levels than in males. The hormone balance in women relies heavily on testosterone.

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Sex apathy, fatigue, and depression are all signs of low testosterone (low T) in males. We have the answers to your burning questions so you may feel confident moving forward.

What Is Low Testosterone?

This is crucial for maintaining a healthy level of vitality. Did you know the quantity of testosterone in a man’s body fluctuates throughout the day and is typically highest in the morning? Concentrations between 300 and 1,000 ng/dl are considered typical.

If your total blood testosterone levels are less than 300 ng/dL on two separate morning tests taken on separate days, you may have low T.

Almost anybody would agree with that.

Researchers have shown that the difference in testosterone levels during the day and at night is substantially less in males aged 65 and above than in younger men. So, although it is recommended that testing be performed first thing in the morning, this would make a small impact on older men.

If your doctor orders routine blood testing to check your cholesterol, blood sugar, and other vitals, you probably won't be asked about your testosterone levels. A discussion of diminished sexual desire amongst the patients often prompts this inquiry.

Low T is diagnosed by measuring testosterone levels in the blood, in addition to SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin) and pituitary hormones that regulate male hormone synthesis.

Although normal is defined as total testosterone of 300–1000 ng/dL, people in the 300–350 ng/dL range are classified as borderline low. Thus they may also be candidates for therapy. If your test comes back in this range, you probably want to look out for any indications of low testosterone and maintain checks on your levels by being tested more often.

Male Low-Testosterone Symptoms

Low testosterone levels may cause specific symptoms in men.

Erectile Dysfunction

When testosterone levels are low, it might be hard to get or keep an erection going. Erectile dysfunction might have other causes than low testosterone levels. Both low and high testosterone levels might affect a man's ability to get and keep an erection.

The hormone testosterone triggers a series of events in the penile tissues that culminate in an erection. A guy may be unable to obtain an erection if his hormone levels are too low.

Erectile dysfunction may also be caused by other reasons, such as −

  • Smoking

  • Problems involving the thyroid

  • A state of elevated cholesterol

  • Concern or worry

  • Consuming alcoholic beverages

  • Diabetes

  • Increased blood pressure

Those with moderate erectile dysfunction may benefit from testosterone replacement treatment.

Size Reduction of the Testicles

A man's testicles may shrink for no apparent reason when his testosterone levels are low.

A Decrease in Sperm Count

The bulk of a man's ejaculate is composed of semen. With this fluid, the sperm may more easily reach the egg. A lack of testosterone may be seen in a man with low semen levels because testosterone stimulates the generation of semen. Infertility is another possible outcome.

Unable to go to Sleep

Sleep problems are common in men with low testosterone.

Men with sleep apnea often have low testosterone levels. A potentially life-threatening illness, sleep apnea causes brief interruptions in breathing that may wake a person from sleep.

Mood Shifts, Alterations, or Swings

There is some evidence that men with low testosterone levels are more prone to irritation, sadness, and a lack of attention. Low-T patients who had testosterone replacement treatment had fewer depressive symptoms and a higher quality of life, according to a study published in 2017.

Why do Some Women have low Testosterone Levels and Others Don't?

Many organs in a woman's body are responsible for testosterone production. This group consists of the following −

  • Ovaries

  • Cortices Adrenales

  • Tissues at the edges

Since the ovaries primarily generate testosterone, certain pre-and post-menopausal women may suffer low testosterone levels due to the ovaries' reduced hormone production. The decline in estrogen levels after menopause has long been thought to be responsible for a woman's diminished libido. Nonetheless, there are increasing indications that low testosterone levels are linked to diminished libido.

In many women, the ovaries continue to generate hormones like testosterone. According to medical experts, some women with low testosterone may have a genetic predisposition to create lower levels of DHEA and DHEA-S, which are precursors to testosterone. Enzymes that convert DHEA and DHEA-S to testosterone may be lacking in particular women.

To what Extent may Low Testosterone in Women be Treated?

Little research has been done on treatments for low testosterone in women. Although medical professionals know the side effects of elevated testosterone levels in female patients, they are less familiar with the signs of low testosterone. Doctors, thus, don't always adhere to a consistent therapy plan when dealing with low testosterone levels.

Estratest is a medicine that can be prescribed to women after menopause. Two male hormones—estrogen and testosterone—are combined in this medication. The synthetic type of testosterone, however, may not be as successful in combating low levels.

Testosterone patches and pellets placed under the skin are also being studied, and doctors may inject the hormone if necessary. Compounding pharmacies may potentially be a source for women seeking testosterone gel formulations. Yet, these gels are often reserved for males, whose testosterone levels tend to be much greater than women.

Buying a DHEA supplement at your local health food store is one alternative. One theory is that one may raise their natural testosterone levels by supplementing with DHEA—a precursor to testosterone. If your testosterone levels are low, you should discuss taking a DHEA supplement with your doctor first.

Under what Circumstances Should one Seek Medical Attention?

In rare cases, a doctor may discover low testosterone levels during a standard physical check by doing a blood test. Nonetheless, those who encounter the symptoms above should see a doctor. To diagnose low testosterone, a doctor would often do a physical examination and take a history of the patient's symptoms. The doctor may want to do more tests to search for other symptoms. One way in which low testosterone manifests itself is via reduced bone mass, which a bone density test may detect.


Pregnant or potentially pregnant women shouldn't take androgens. However, since testosterone drugs can be transferred to a nursing infant, women should avoid taking them while breastfeeding.

Always speak to your doctor before taking testosterone or related drugs and supplements. They’ll be able to perform testing and ensure no interactions with other drugs you take.

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