
What are the best things all Indian must do in their 20's?

7 Answers

So, you are in your 20s, and wondering whether you are going on the right track in your life ... Don't worry. Here is the list of things that every Indian must do in their 20s. Check how many you have done and what are still pending?

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  • Career-wise, find your passion in life. Don't live on somebody else's dream. Live your own life and do what you want to do in life. This is the age to experiment with career and switch jobs and change your priorities until you get exactly what you want in life. This is the prime age where you can work hard and put in that extra effort.
  • Search for your true love. If you are lucky enough you might have found the right person by now. Otherwise, keep searching for your right partner with whom you want to share your remaining life.

  • Add fitness to your routine. Eat healthy and stay healthy. Add a sport to your life. You will be in your physical and mental health peaks in your 20s. Use the time properly.

  • Learn a new language. Learn some music or adopt a pet. Do whatever you can, because now your life is entirely yours and you need not take care of anybody else.

  • Talk to your parents every day. Consult them for every small and big decisions in life. They are the only people on earth who will love you for life long without any expectations.  

  • And most importantly, No matter what happens in life - learn to stay happy. Cultivate the habit of being happy and thanking God for every small and big things in your life. 

Stop worrying and Start doing. Time and Tide wait for none.


If you're destined to get married you will but "just not now" 😉 

As a young adult (YA) this is the time of age where only fun, dating, break-ups/heartbreaking, enjoyment becomes materialize and perhaps trying to know yourself more has/must be your 1st priority. Believe me, you will discover a lot of things you never knew about yourself...


*Travel the World Alone or with Friends~You can backpack across neighboring countries (look at your budget 1st).

*Connect with Your Family~You must re-build the bond among family members.

*Determine Your Passion and Life Goals~What do you want? What are your life goals? Do you want to have a family? A dream home? Travel the world? Retire at a young age? "This is definitely a big thing to do in your 20s".

*Learn A New Language/Dance Moves~A new language can be hard to learn but will be worth it...Try languages like Spanish, Portugues, Latin and dance moves like Ballet, Macarena, Shastriya Nritya etc "just learn and dance".

*Spend Time with Friends~You may have noticed that life is speeding past you. As a YA in your 20s, things are probably changing drastically. You may have recently started your first job or still studying, you may be starting your own family, you may be moving to a brand new place. Spending time with friends whom you care about is very important.

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*Volunteer~There are so many great organizations out there that could use your help—go find one.

*Go Camping~I’ve never done camping, and I’m sure there are others out there like myself who have always wanted to go camping as well.

*Party~Do so while you still have time and carefree.

*Win An Award~Doesn’t matter what the award is. Strive for something and get it. 

You will learn cruel and crucial lessons in your 20s, which later you will be thankful for, once you completely recover from the upheaval. I hope you will learn the good and the bad times of your young adulthood😊 and if someone can avoid some of the pain and failure that you will experience from your life changing mistakes, it makes them worth the trouble.

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