
What is Google’s DeepMind? What does it do?

1 Answer

The founder team members of DeepMind Technologies are Demis Hassabis, Mustafa Suleyman and Shane Legg. It was launched in 2010.  The company was acquired by Google in the year 2014. The company has created a network that learns how to play video games. After the acquisition of the company, Google’s DeepMind has established an artificial intelligence ethics board.

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The ethics of artificial intelligence is related to Robots, and other artificially intelligent beings. The robo ethics is concerned with the moral behavior of humans. The machine ethics is concerned with the moral behavior of artificial moral agents or AMAs. Google DeepMind working is mainly on Artificial Intelligence, that is, the intelligence demonstrated by machines. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is defined as a machine which functions as human mind such as learning, problem solving and many more functions. 

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The company made a program named ALPHA GO which beats a human professional GO player. The GO game is like ethics but more complex. The goal of a company is to achieve best techniques from Machine Learning to build general purpose learning such as Algorithms. An algorithm is a formerly latinized as Algorithm for Mohammad bin Musa al-Khwarizmi. Mohammad bin Musa al-Khwarizmi is a Persian Muslim who produced works in mathematics, astronomy, and geography. He was founder of Algebra.

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