
Is a Laparoscopic surgery painful?

1 Answer

Many people have a perception that Laparoscopic surgery is painful since it involves making a cut called incision in the body. The cut is made to put in a tube, usually with a camera and light source, through it so that the doctor can examine the inside of the abdomen and pelvis.  

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However, patients don’t feel pain during the surgery as it’s performed under general anesthesia. There could be some pain after the procedure when the effect of anesthesia ends.

Many patients who undergo a Laparoscopic surgery feel shoulder pain, which happens because of the CO2 gas that is filled into the abdomen in order to lift it away from the internal organs. The gas gets trapped against the diaphragm which results in some shoulder pain. It takes some time for the pain to go away naturally, so patients in such pain can use heat and analgesics to better their plight.

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Some patients also feel nausea and vomit after the surgery which mainly happens because of the anesthetic. But it goes away quickly and patients begin feeling normal again. 

A week or two is required post-surgery to regain the strength patients had before the surgery as the body uses a lot of energy to heal itself. Taking rest at home for 10-15 days is the best remedy to start feeling energetic again. 

If we leave aside some post-surgery pain, Laparoscopic surgery is considered very safe and is commonly carried out word over. As far as serious complications are considered, it’s very rare, happening in 1 in 1000 cases. 

If you have any fears related to the surgery, the best way to overcome them is to talk to your doctor and understand each and every aspect of the surgery. The recovery of Laparoscopic surgery is quick in many cases and doesn’t require patients to stay back in the hospital for days.  

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