
In the movie Andhadhun, what does that hare symbolize?

1 Answer

The hare featured in the first and last frames of the film is incredible because let me inform you that it’s a piece of animation and the artist has really nailed it because it looks amazingly real and not easily judged whether it’s a real or animated.

What Does It Symbolize?

The hare also plays a symbolic character in the film. If you notice closely, the hare has only one-eye, which symbolizes someone who cannot see the complete site and assumes whatever he can see is absolute. Therefore, unable to gauge the danger treading towards it correctly and thus falls into the trap. 

Answer Image

This is what happens with the lead character of the film Akash (Ayushmann) who pretends to be blind and wants to gain the sympathy of the people around him as well as wants to reap the benefits attached to blindness. He believes that he can make a very handsome career by pretending to be blind and fooling people. However, nothing of that sort happens and he becomes a prey to a bunch of wicked minded fellows.

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