
Do you think homeschooling is better than available schools around?

1 Answer

Homeschooling, which has gained popularity in the 1990s across the world is now legal in many countries. Children will not be sent to any traditional public or private school, but parents choose to educate their children at home. Many families are opting to homeschool for a variety of reasons, like religious beliefs, different educational philosophies and not satisfied with the structure of education available. 

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Homeschooling is legal in Australia, Newzealand, UK, Canada, and the USA. In fact, parents are encouraged to homeschool their kids to a certain level and then enroll them in a school or university to pursue their further education and obtain a formal degree. The percentage of parents opting for homeschooling is increasing up to 15% every year.

According to the author of best seller "Teach Your Own", parents who are interested in homeschooling their children have to  "like them, enjoy their company, their physical presence, their energy, foolishness, and passion. They have to enjoy all their talk and questions, and enjoy equally trying to answer those questions." 

Homeschooling is encouraged as a better education model because the parent would be the one-on-one tutor to the student and can directly observe the child's proficiency. Teaching style and assignments can be tailored accordingly. One of the greatest advantages of homeschooling is that students can progress according to their own temperament and timetable and literally every moment is a learning moment for the kid.

Homeschooling students can be assessed periodically by making them take the tests of a regular school. 

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One more advantage of homeschooling is, you can blend the different methods of teaching like Montessori, classical and leadership education to meet your children's needs. The main criteria would be that the Parents should be qualified enough to provide such education to their children. 

However, it is not a game of play for every parent. Parents who have the desire and dedication will only succeed. Otherwise, that will prove devastating for both parents and children. 

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