
What is the characteristics of human resources management?

1 Answer

Human resources management integrates and emphasizes on performance appraisal, career planning, training and development, organization development, system development, incentives, and welfare.

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The Characteristics of human resources management:

  • Human-Oriented: It is a process of bringing people and organization together to achieve their goal. It is concerned with the management of human resources of an organization consisting of all individual engaged in any of the organizational activity.
  • Communication skills: The HR manager should be excellent in written and oral communication skills to delegate responsibility to subordinates. HR should relay idea and information in an understandable manner to the management and all level of employees. The ability to create strong internal and external business relationship is vital to this role.
  • Analytical Ability: HR department promptly deciphers the issues at hand, determine its importance and resolves it accordingly.  They recognize and separate trivial matters from those of real significance. HR uses facts, logic and scientific matters from those of real significance.  
  • Compliance:  HR department ensure that the company stays in compliance with labor laws, which means HR manager needs deep knowledge of those regulations to properly implement and manage them. Strong understanding of laws pertaining to employee benefits, wages and hours, health and safety and hiring and terminating is the essential to the position.
  • Emotional Intelligence: HR Manager or department needs empathy. They should respect other opinions, rights, and values. They must be mature and resilient to help others cope with high-stress situations on the Job.
  • Leadership: A successful HR manager embodies the qualities of a true leader. They should be assertive, responsive, confident and optimistic. They should also have exceptional organizational skills and unique visionary style to strategically plan for the future through reward and recognition. They should motivate employees into improving their performances.  
  • Planning: Human resource department planning is prepared to assess the future requirement of manpower in the organization. It helps identify the size and composition of resources for the future purpose.
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