
What are the factors which affect health?

2 Answers

Health is a state of physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely freedom from disease. Good health is a necessary condition for our purposeful existence in this world. A person is said to be healthy or having good health if

  • He has no sickness or disease.
  • He is not physically handicapped.
  • He has no mental problems.
  • He has no social or psychological tensions.
  • He has no anxiety.

The factors which affect health can be described as below

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The health of a person is affected by the environment in which the person lives. The most dangerous factors are pollution like air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, foul smelling, and over flowing sewage drains may affect health of a person. Safe water and clean air, healthy work places, safe houses contribute to be good health.

Social Education:

Greater support from families, friends, and communities contribute to good health.


Due to poverty, people are not able to buy sufficient food, this leads to deficiency diseases which ruins health.

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Hereditary Factors:

Malfunctioning of various body parts such as heart, kidney etc. occur due to hereditary factors.

Bad Habits:

Smoking, uncontrolled eating, taking drugs, and alcohol and other social bad habits affect the health.

There are several other factors which affect health such as genetic disorders, hormonal imbalance, and malfunctioning of immune system of body.


We know the word “HEALTH” used frequently all around us, It implies the thought of being well, the state of being to a tolerable degree to perform well physically, mentally and socially. Being healthy is not just the result of our genes and our biology, but also a direct result of the health choices we make, the place where we live, the health care we receive, and policies and laws that affect our opportunities and choices.

People often assume that genetics and healthcare are the most important factors in health. Other factors like socioeconomic status, health behavior, and environment have a significant impact too.

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We have five types of health factors:

  • Physical environment/atmosphere
  • Health behaviors,
  • Lifestyle
  • Social factors
  • Economic factors

Physical environment/atmosphere:

  • Whether people are healthy or not, is determined by their circumstances and environment. The health of all organisms depends on their surroundings or their atmosphere.
  • The atmosphere includes the physical atmosphere of air, water, and surroundings. Public cleanliness is important for individual health. 
  • Exposure to hazardous substances in the air, water, soil, food, and Climate change, natural and technological disasters may affect one’s health.

 Health behavior:

  • Health also depends on individual behavior towards their health. Alcohol consumption, use of drug or drug needles, unprotected sex, and smoking.

Social Factors:

  • The effects of poverty, working conditions, unemployment, social support, good food and transport policy. Poor social and economic circumstances affect health throughout life. 
  • Among the social factors that contribute to health, the most important predictors are education and income.

Economic Factors :

  • Poverty, financial problems, and social deprivation are major economic risk factors for mental health problems and disorders.


  • A variety of lifestyle can have a major impact on a person’s which affects health. Age, family history of illness, employment, education and living conditions are some of the factors influence our health. 
  • Behavioral and social issues that impact on health include smoking, alcohol consumption, poor diet leading to obesity or malnutrition, lack of physical exercise, sexual behavior and problems resulting from drug intake.
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