
Is it right to believe that oxygen ages our body so as all the oxidants do and we live a life of average 70 years ?

1 Answer

The current growth in the understanding of free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS) in biology is making a medical revolt that guarantees a new age of health and disease managing. It is stinging that oxygen an element imperative for life under undeniable situations has unfavorable effects on the human body. 

Most of the possible harmful results of oxygen are due to the evolution and activity of a number of chemical compounds known as ROS which have propensities to contribute oxygen to other tangibility. Free radicals and antioxidants have become customarily used terms in a modern conference of disease mechanisms.

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A position of oxidative stress has been hypothesized in many conditions including hardening of the arteries, inflammatory fitness, certain cancers, and the process of growing older. 

Oxidative stress is now conception to make a notable contribution to all provocative diseases (arthritis,glomerulonephritis, vasculitis, lupus erythematous, adult respiratory diseases syndrome), ischemic diseases (heart diseases, intestinal ischaemia,stroke ), hemochromatosis, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, emphysema, gastric ulcers, hypertension and preeclampsia, organ transplantation,neurological disorder (Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, muscular dystrophy), alcoholism, smoking-related diseases, and many others. An excess of oxidative stress can lead to the oxidation of lipids and proteins, which is connected with changes in their formation and functions.

They act as an absolute scavenger, electron donor peroxide decomposer, an enzyme inhibitor, peroxide decomposer, synergist, singlet oxygen quencher, and metal-chelating agents.

Oxidative damage to protein, Proteins can be oxidative make alterations to in three ways oxidative moderation of particular amino acid, and positioning of protein cross-linkage due to reaction with lipid peroxidation substance. 

Protein incorporates amino acids such as methionine, arginine. An antioxidant is a molecule secure enough to donate an electron to a rampaging free radical and neutralize it, thus decreasing its capacity to damage. These antioxidants slow down or inhibit cellular harm mainly through their free radical scavenging possessions.

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