
How to control silly fights and rivalry between siblings?

1 Answer

Siblings have rivalry and sometimes this can lead to silly fights between them. Parents must try to stop these fights but not the rivalry as this develops the skills of facing the world in the adulthood. Siblings fight if there is a disagreement on some issue and that becomes aggressive. The fighting may start due to shouting, hitting, teasing, and many other such things. If there is more than one child in a family, rivalry and fighting is obvious which often exhausts the parents. The parents think about how to minimize these fights.

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Reasons behind children rivalry and fights:

There are many reasons due to which siblings fight with each other. Some of them include getting attention of parents or trying to become favorite and many others. It also depends on the temperament of the children. Some children have more control on their anger than their siblings while some easily get angered.

Environment at home:

Children are prone to copy the environment in which they live and grow. Parents should create positive environment at home in order to make the children develop positive thoughts. In themselves. The environment can include the following:

  • Cooperation between both the parents
  • Stay calm when angry
  • Listen to the point of view of both siblings before giving any judgement

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If the environment of the house is negative it affects the children in the following ways.

  • They beat their siblings and even other people.
  • They want to take everything by force.
  • Watching violence at home between parents

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Dealing with the Disagreements:

Parents should fairly end the disagreement in order to help the siblings in developing problem-solving skills. This will help in building social skills, understanding the point of view of others along with feelings, belongings, and human rights. Parents should create such an environment at home so that children copy that and act in the same way with their siblings.

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